Vehicle Rental Android app using Firebase
Vehicle Rental android app with Firebase Database is android native project based on Java code, providing all the credentials like User Authentication, Real-time data stored in the Firebase, messages with an in-build response section, store car data, Firebase Storage to store the user images with vehicle images. It also has a build-on SQLite database to store shared data.
The android application is developed for the purpose of providing users with an easy way to interact with the app to rent an affordable vehicle for their next journey. People with no proper vehicle now can afford a car through this app for a minimal amount of time. This way we add some good to society. Vehicles in this app can be used for emergency purposes.
This app basically helps those people who want a vehicle for emergency purposes or want a cheap vehicle for their next journey. This app comes with many affordable cars, bikes, scooters, etc. Users can rent any vehicle with a proper contact number and date. Within 10 min Admin or the Company will contact the user with a phone that the user gave at the time of renting the vehicle. Also, the user can issue a query to the admin through the app. According to the issue, the admin will respond.
On the Admin side, Admin can add any vehicle, can remove any vehicle, and can edit any vehicle. Admin can add multiple admins through the admin app. Admin can give response to the queries of the user through the admin app.
- Admin: Admin is the one who administers the system and inputs updates.
- User login: Users have to create an account in the system by registering themselves. Then they may log in to the system and can utilize services. The user’s data is stored in the Firebase database.
- Vehicle Information: Vehicle information fetch from the firebase real-time database. Vehicle data are stored by the admin through the admin app
- Rent form: In the rent form user needs to enter their contact information (name and phone number) with the date from and the date to.
- Query: Using the Contact Us form user can ask their questions directly to the admin. And admin gives a response to the user through the admin app.
- Admin (Add/Remove/Edit): Admin can add any vehicles, remove them and edit them according to the requirement.
- Add Admin: Admin can add new admin through the admin app.
- Contact user: Admin can see the rental vehicle in the admin app and directly contact them through a phone call.
Software Requirements:
- Windows 9/10/11
- Android Studio (4.2.1 or above)
- Firebase
Hardware Components:
- Processor — i5
- Memory — 8GB RAM
- Provides instant booking and calling.
- Rent a vehicle in just 2 steps.
- User authentication is needed. Login through Email id and Password.
- Provides quick access and is affordable.
- Easy to handle and maintain on both sides (User and Admin).
- It requires an internet connection.
- Constant monitoring is required.
· It can be used by Anyone, Company, Vehicles Owner, etc.
Watch the demo video to know more
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