Top 6 Technologies Used For Mobile App Development in 2020

Golap Gunjan Barman
3 min readSep 27, 2020

Using mobile apps is increasing decade by decade. From a statistical analysis, it comes to know that mobile apps users will be increasing over 250 billion by the year 2022. With this enormous growth in the usage of mobile apps, we can observe the never-ending competition. But do all the mobile apps get the same number of success that is wanted?

To get the users’ attention and make them use the app, you must come up with an app that is trending, which has a user-friendly interface, and the app that matches the current bar of digitization. To do so, one must have a perfect knowledge of the technologies that can help create a user-friendly app.
So, in this blog, we will discuss some of the best technologies that can be used for creating a user-friendly mobile app in 2020.

Top 6 Mobile App Development Technologies

1) Flutter

Flutter, an open-source mobile app development SDK is created by Google. Google released Flutter 1.12 with many improvements. Flutter is a multi-platform interface that uses for both Android and iOS.

Flutter is a high performance and low latency interface. Flutter a DART as the main language; so it is called one codebase platform. Google releases Dart 2.3 offers new supports for UI-as-code features.
The latest Flutter release adds support for developing Chrome OS applications. The architecture of Flutter is based on the very popular reactive programming of today on which React has been made form.
Some of the apps developed using Flutter are Google Ads, Reflectly, Xianyu by Alibaba, and many more.

2) Java

Java, an object-oriented programming language, is an official Android development language.
The android operating system using Java language as simply for android apps. Most of the android developers using java of any kind will put you in top standing for android apps coding.
Java portable code executes on all platforms. Java supports the OOPS concept. Easy APIs offer tools for every conceivable task.
Frameworks like TestNG and Log4J are developed using Java. Besides this, some applications that are developed using Java are SeeWeather, the VLC media player, Telegram for Android, and many more.

3) Python

Python is a widely accepted programming language. This language is fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-deploy. Python helps develop scalable web apps.
Popular apps like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and SurveyMonkey are all built-in Python. This language provides excellent library support. It has a large developer community.

4) Swift

Swift is a new open-source programming language for watchOS, iOS, OS X, and tvOS apps that builds on the best of C and Objective C.
Swift adopts safe patterns for programming and provides you with several features to get flexible and easy programming.
Swift has Clean Syntax, interactive Coding, Less Coding, Safer Platform to code, Speedy Development and it is open source.
Apps like Lyft, LinkedIn, and Hipmunk are some of the apps developed and upgraded in the iOS version by Swift.

5) React Native

React Native is a JavaScript framework for building iOS and Android mobile apps. Based on a popular JavaScript Web framework called React. React Native is created by Facebook. Firstly release the iOS version in March 2015 and the Android version in September 2015.
In react native writing the app by using JavaScript and XML-Esque markup (JSK). React Native bridges and invokes the Native rendering API in Objective-C (iOS) and Java (Android).
Some of the apps developed using React Native are AirBnB, Myntra, UberEats, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram, and many more.


Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that is used for developing modern Android applications today.
Kotlin is a new programming language by Jetbrains. It runs on the JVM stack. It has approximate zero-cost Java interop. It runs on Android easily.
Apps are written in Kotlin is Pinterest, Trello, Evernote, Coursera, and many more.

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Golap Gunjan Barman

Hi everyone, myself Golap an Android app developer with UI/UX designer.